Nine proven simple and effective ways to increase eyesight

 How to increase eye sight?

Beautiful girl eyes.

Eyes are the one of the important, organ, of our body. It gives us sense to see we are able to see the beauty of this world because of our eyes, but due to some reasons our this ability is decreasing gradually. Our eyesight start to become blurry and we start to find diffuculty in our vision. So, In this post I will tell you why this occurs and how can you stop your vision to become blurry and improve your eyesight. So, lets get started.

Why our eyesight decreases?

Our eyes are made up of very complex structure. We are able to see only when light enters in our eyes and if that light properly reaches retina then we get proper vision. Sometimes due to some reason light does not reaches properly to the retina and this causes issues with eyes like decrease in eyesight and blurry vission. If it occurs due to age then it is normal but if one get problem related to eyes then it's not normal. Some diseases and injury can also eye problems. Some people get problem in seeing the far things and some get problem in seeing the close things. To deal with this we use spectacles or contact lenses, they adjust the light entering in our eye in such a way that they properly reaches the retina and we get proper vision but it's better to avoid that situation of getting spectacles and to do this we should take some precautions about which we will talk later first we should understand our problem.

Spectacle on a book

Are genes responsible for decrease in eyesight?

Not for 100% but there are some chances that your eyesight problem can be heridatary. Your parents or grand parents can be responsible for your bad eyes because many times problems like this are passed from one generation to another via genes. Some small kids also get problems in vision and this can be due to their genes but It's not right to blame your genes only for bad vision because some of your activities can also be responsible for this. Some diseases like Maculan degeneration, Cataracts, Glaucoma ne resports can cause problem to our eyes. There are various environmental factors also which affect our eyes.

How to increase eye sight naturally?

Stop rubbing your eyes.

you might haven't noticed this in you daily schedule as it looks but it is not good for your eyes. Whenever we find some itchyness in our eyes we start to rub our eyes without thinking it's good or bad. Rubbing our eyes can give us relief for sometime but it causes more damage than the relief it gives. It can also cause to move dirt more deeper in our eyes. Instead of doing this things we should gently use some eye drop or we should bliink our eye at faster rate so that the dirt will get wiped out with tears.

 Always wear some eye protection.

we are always surrounded by the things that can cause damage to our eyes. U.V rays is one of the top thing that can damage eyes to prevent this we should always wear sun glasses as it reflects the u.v rays and protect our eyes from it. People working in direct sunlight has the most chances to get affected by the u.v rays like farmers and fishes man. During working in garages and laboratories also we should use eye protection as there are many thing in that places to damage our eyes.

Wearing sunglasses.

Take a break from Screen.

Most of our time goes on watching the screens whether it be mobile screen or desktop or t.v. When we watch these things we forget to blink our eye and our rate of blinking eyes decreases and this causes problem. As blinking our eyes Keep our eyed moist and if we do not do it then our eye lens can become dry and then it will cause difficuity in vision. To deal with this You can apply 20-20-20 rule in your life. 

Desktop and computers

This rule says that after watching a screen for twenty minutes you must take a break from it and keep your eyes on a object which is about so metres away from you for 20 seconds. you should do this after every 20 minutes. This will also decrease your eye strain.

Use your contact lenses properly.

Eyes are very Sensitive organs chances of getting them damaged is more than the other organs. To prevent any eye issue we should give our some attention to contact lenses. Wearing Contact lenses in the swimming pool is not a good thing as it can result into several eye injuries. Activities like sharing contact lenses should be avoided and we should not sleep by wearing the contact lenses. Contact lenses are made to be helpful for us but if we not handle it with care then it can cause problem to us.

Keep your hand clean.

We countless times touch our eyes by our hands but everytime our hands may not be clean. We touch many dirty surfaces and the germs from them stay on our hands if they so come in contact with our eyes then it can damage our eyes. It's better to avoid touching our eyes but if you want to do it then it you should always keep your hand clean.

Stop Smoking.

Girl Smoking a cigarette

We all know about numerous side effects of smoking but only few of us know that Smoking can not only affect of lungs and heart but it can also cause Serious injury to our eye vision. Before it's too late if you quit smoking then you will start to see positive changes in your vision.

Control your diabetes.

Diabetes is amongst the one of the disease that causes loss of vision in us. It's important to control diabetes but only diabetes another diseases like high blood pressure can also affect our eyes. To prevent this we should stay away from this type of diseases.

Use proper eye drop.

Whenever we find any problems in our eyes we use eyedrops but sometime it's not good. There may be some eyedrops that might be not suitable for you if you use them then it can cause problem rather than healing. We should clearly check our eyedrop before using it.

Eat foods that increase eyesight.

Green vegetables like brocoli , spinach

One of the simplest and easiest way to increase eyesight is to eat healthy foods. There are various Vegetables and fruits by eating them you can gain you clear vision back. The list of the foods that you should intake are:-

Fishes like salmon, sardines and mackerol can benefit you. 

• Eggs nutrients and vitamins promote eye health.

• Leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale are a packet of vitamins and minerals.

• Eat Citrus fruits and berries it reduce the risk of cateracts.

• Intake nuts like pistachios walnuts, almonds.

• legumes like kidney beans, black-eyed peas are good for eyes.

• Eat whole grain.

• Oysters.

• Sweet potatoes.

• Carrots.

By trying these steps you can increase your eyesight but if your reason for bad vision is some disease or injury then you should immediately ask help from doctors.we shold take good care of our eyes as any problem related to it can make our life miserable. We cannot afford to lose our eyes.

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